Taking solar to a new level. Volts Energy has created the next level of solar that unites intelligence, power, and aesthetics. We’ve pre-engineered an AC Panel system solution pairing our high-performance panel with a best-of-breed microinverter. Partnering with the best. Volts Energy has partnered with Enphase, using its latest AC microinverter, the smart grid-ready  ACM Micro™.

Best value for the homeowner. With the high performance Enphase  integrated into our panel, the Power AC is one of the highest power and most efficient AC panels available.

Fast to install. We’ve optimized the design to simplify the installation and reduce install time. The junction box is laid out for quick installation of microinverters, while keeping it out of the way of hardware avoiding the headaches caused by traditional panels.

Engineered for performance. Designed to be stunning. (before)

Enphase has partnered with Volts Energy to pair a visually stunning

All-black, high-output AC module (after)

with a best-in-class microinverter to create the greatest value on the market today.

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